I would venture to say that MOST of the folks in that 100 degree heat in Iowa, or in Florida, were sweating, but the media didn't take pictures of them. You may be correct, but regardless if it is the MSM fault, or if Fred does just sweat more than his competitors, what is the perception? We can talk about how his image doesn't mean anything until we are blue in the face, if the general public thinks he is old and worn out, the truth doesn't mean a hill of beans!
Take off your Fred colored glasses for just a moment, and see what the rest of the world may see.
He’s bald. It will appear that he sweats more...as he has no hair to absorb it. McCain and Giuliani are also follically challenged, but both of them seem to tend towards indoor appearences from what I’ve seen in the MSM. Get me an outdoor summer pic of one of them and I bet they have a sweaty head too.