he said he had trained several and that they were crazy and nothing more than four legged land sharks.He trained them...
but said they were
"crazy and nothing more than four legged land sharks
How then did he manage to train them? Sorry, this doesn't pass the sniff test.
Either the "trainer" is a complete idiot
or you're taking something he said out of context.
He said what he said. He's a pretty laid back guy and was just kind of being matter of fact. The pit bull he had with him was pretty small. Young and kind of cute. It was doing exactly what he told it to and was much better behaved than most of the other dogs around. There were a couple of huge Great Danes there. Both my wife and I know dogs pretty well and both of us looked at those great danes and immediately told our child to keep away from them. Their eyes and body posture just did not look right. Right after we said that the great danes attacked another large dog that was being very sweet and passive. It happened fast and there was a bit of blood on the floor. The owners of the danes were idiots. They were not paying attention and after the attack didn't seem to care about what happened.
I've never been around Pit Bulls so I have nothing against them. I just asked my better half about this trainer and she said he owns a Pitt Bull. Maybe he was kidding but I didn't think so at the time.
My experience has been that two or more dogs of just about any breed can be dangerous if they are protecting their territory together.