Countries with more freedom have higher standards of living.
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Country Year Overall
Score Business
Freedom Trade Freedom Fiscal
Freedom Freedom from
Gov’t Monetary
Freedom Investment
Freedom Financial
Freedom Property
Rights Freedom from
Corruption Labour
Hong Kong 2007 89.3 88.3 80.0 95.3 91.6 91.1 90 90 90 83 93.6
Singapore 2007 85.7 94.6 80.0 93.0 86.2 89.5 80 50 90 94 99.3
Australia 2007 82.7 91.7 73.8 75.4 70.1 84.8 70 90 90 88 93.1
United States 2007 82 94.5 76.6 79.4 67.5 83.8 80 80 90 76 92.1
New Zealand 2007 81.6 93.7 74.0 74.2 63.6 84.5 70 80 90 96 89.9
United Kingdom 2007 81.6 92.1 76.6 74.6 54.2 79.3 90 90 90 86 82.7
Ireland 2007 81.3 92.8 76.6 81.1 73.1 85.1 90 90 90 74 60.4
Luxembourg 2007 79.3 90 76.6 75.4 55.9 80.2 90 80 90 85 70
Switzerland 2007 79.1 83.3 77.0 78.6 68.6 83.6 70 70 90 91 78.4
Canada 2007 78.7 96 78.2 83.9 61.8 80.6 60 70 90 84 82.7
Countries with more freedom have higher standards of living”’
Plese list the ones who will allow 20 million illiterate illegal slobs to invade them in just a few years.