This country is less interested in religion than ever before. There is no way in hell there will be public support for the kind of strict religious practice of Islam. This time traveler knows history, but hasn't heard of "follow the money." There's no money to be made off of making the US an Islamic state. There's a ton of money to be made from our cultural appetites that Islam finds an abomination. The US and even Western Europe love sex way too much to allow Islam to take over.
My future granddaughter will be wearing this at the beach and not a burka. As long as girls like to parade around in these, they will use their power over men to guarantee their right to wear them.
Couldn't the same have been said about Afghanistan? Weren't women free to be educated, doctors, professionals, etc.? How did it change? I don't remember the Taliban rolling any tanks into the state. It must have rotted from the inside.
The US and even Western Europe love sex way too much to allow Islam to take over.
People who have had countless dates and strings of meaningless "relationships"(sexual hook-ups) often become the hard-core converts of religion, because they have giant voids in their souls. In Great Britain and Europe, why are ANY women converting to Islam? It directly conflicts with the freedom they have grown accustomed to in the West. Yet, they willing don the hijab and fight for the right to be oppressed?