It would indeed get messy. I do think we could prevail, but not without cost.
Our character has lately been to run away with our tail between our legs at the first sign of trouble. Prior to WW2, our character was to stick our heads in the ground, hoping that things would get better by magic. In both cases, the cost has been high because WE didn't show our true strength of character. In a sense, we invited attack by a display of weakness. Later we shall have to warn others to keep away for the next 30 or 40 years by utterly pulverizing our enemies in the most brutal fashion imaginable, public and world opinion be damned.
I sincerely hope that nothing like this ever occurs on our soil (or elsewhere, for that matter). I just fear that it will because of our nature and that of our enemies.
I’m thinking of the average unwashed masses.
Sure the government will run but the people will ROLL.
There are many places that I wouldn’t want to be if I looked Middle Eastern, not everywhere, but lots.