Even when Mr. Bush decided to visit drowning New Orleans, "there would be no rush, as had been the case when Bush zoomed back to the White House (from Crawford, Tex.) to sign the Trerri Schiavo bill," "Dead Certain" said.
When Mr. Bush finally made it to stricken New Orleans for a press conference, Karl Rove demanded that the scene be staged as a "hope story" in Jackson Square. Not even nightmare New Orleans could dampen the Bush optimism with its toxic flood water.
Wiley Hilburn: In Bush's world, optimism rules
Then we fought. We phone-called (even from overseas), knocked on doors, stood on street corners, e-mailed, petitioned, gave more money, wrote letters, etc., to deliver a majority to the Democratic Party. Now, look at what they're doing with it!
Twenty-one of them voted against the First Amendment rights of Move-On.Org during that bizarre, Terri Schiavo-like vote which the Senate was able to find time for while a decision can't be made about our troops, trapped in a civil war subsequent to our illegal invasion and occupation of an unarmed country!'
When the '08 election campaign is in full swing and the Democratic candidate inevitably becomes the target of "Swift-Boat-style" media-politics I want every one of those 21, and the three who abstained (one of whom was Barack Obama, a would-be candidate!) to remember back to the day when they voted against, or passively turned their backs on, a free unsupressed media!