Well piersTROLL, I'll cut you a break because you're new here, but the fact of the matter is that Free Republic IS pro-life.
If you don't want to read the content that the owner of this site has decided is appropriate, then don't. But you don't get to dictate what he allows on his forum.
Statement by the founder of Free Republic:
As a conservative site, Free Republic is pro-God, pro-life, pro-family, pro-Constitution, pro-Bill of Rights, pro-gun, pro-limited government, pro-private property rights, pro-limited taxes, pro-capitalism, pro-national defense, pro-freedom, and-pro America. We oppose all forms of liberalism, socialism, fascism, pacifism, totalitarianism, anarchism, government enforced atheism, abortionism, feminism, homosexualism, racism, wacko environmentalism, judicial activism, etc.
Free Republic is private property.
We aggressively defend our God-given and first amendment guaranteed rights to free speech, free press, free religion, and freedom of association, as well as our constitutional right to control the use and content of our own personal private property. Despite the wailing of the liberal trolls and other doom & gloom naysayers, we feel no compelling need to allow them a platform to promote their repugnant and obnoxious propaganda from our forum. Free Republic is not a liberal debating society. We are conservative activists dedicated to defending our rights, defending our constitution, defending our republic and defending our traditional American way of life.
Read the rest at the link provided. If you find you can't enjoy yourself at such a site, there is no requirement that you stay.
Are you a student of Scientology? Something got you going real quick.
I totally agree. Who is this guy telling the world what they can and cannot hear? Gee wiz.