To: Jeff Head
We should simply call his bluff forcefully and make him look the fool. Send a joint Brit and US Navy carrier task force to the CarribeanGood idea...this idiot needs to be taught a lesson.....reminds me of the Moammar Khadafi days when he use to mouth off like this... this guy is stupid beyond belief....
26 posted on
09/02/2007 2:21:52 PM PDT by
("If you’re drawing flak, you know you're over the target".)
To: Niteflyr
He is sounding exactly like Khadafi. Needs to get some of that same ointment for what’s ailing him.
37 posted on
09/02/2007 2:28:59 PM PDT by
Jeff Head
(Liberty is not Free. Never has been, never will be. (
To: Niteflyr
Good idea...this idiot needs to be taught a lesson.....reminds me of the Moammar Khadafi days when he use to mouth off like this... this guy is stupid beyond belief.... And Khaddaffi's playing nice-nice these days...all because we showed strength in the 80s and in Iraq.
173 posted on
09/02/2007 5:14:57 PM PDT by
Mr. Silverback
(Libs obviously don’t believe pro-lifers are terrorists, or they'd placate us by banning abortion.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson