Of course, we could try something a little bigger...
I'm also planning on making a few "rock hopper" type personal space craft for the Castle. They'll have both heavy thruster type motors with longer range constant impulse engines. We should be able to use them for smaller trips than we've been using the Shuttles for. They'll also come in a few different configurations, so queue up and let the Dwarves know what you want on your personal spacecraft...
Dr. Young Bae — “P(hotonic) L(aser) T(hruster) powered spacecraft could transit the 100 million km to Mars in less than a week.”
And thus we see the advent of the “torch ship”, the science fiction invention of half a century ago, in which the courier ship is under constant acceleration, with a turnaround at midpoint to begin the deceleration phase.
With such ships, no destination in the Solar System is more than a few weeks away.
As for interstellar, well, you’ll still have to pack along your grandchildren, so they can make landfall.
In the meantime, DC, be sure to include a connection bay for the spider robots. They’ll be the ones doing the pick-and-shovel work out in the asteroids.