To: boomop1
Shouldn’t Geraldo be in Iraq giving away our troop movements to the enemy?
11 posted on
08/17/2007 11:27:31 AM PDT by
(I owe everything to George Bailey)
To: massgopguy
Maybe they’re bowel movements.
15 posted on
08/17/2007 11:28:49 AM PDT by
(there you go again)
To: massgopguy
Maybe their bowel movements.
16 posted on
08/17/2007 11:29:15 AM PDT by
(there you go again)
To: massgopguy
Fox should give Geraldo a high paid muzzie cameraman and assign them to ride the roads of Iraq searching for IED’s the hard way.
24 posted on
08/17/2007 11:34:49 AM PDT by
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