To: Aussie Dasher
Russia sends out 14 long-haul bombers targets There, fixed it.
25 posted on
08/17/2007 7:53:00 AM PDT by
(States' rights can never trump God-given, unalienable rights...)
To: EternalVigilance
Did they buy carbon off-sets from ManBearPig?
Oh, the humanity!
26 posted on
08/17/2007 7:58:43 AM PDT by
Thom Pain
(GOP - N.O.P.E.)
To: EternalVigilance
Nice fix! Yup, for sure.
Didn’t a Tu-95 Bear land at Adak with engine problems a while back? Quite a while.
65 posted on
08/17/2007 10:37:35 AM PDT by
( "Freedom is not free, but don't worry the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share.")
To: EternalVigilance
US counters by deploying 1 F-22. A target rich environment.. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson