So the world's largest country is dying and the question is how violent it's death throes will be...A potentially African-level AIDS crisis and an Islamist separatist movement sitting atop the biggest pile of nukes on the planet...poor old Russia is awash in resources but fatally short of Russians...Russian east there are 16 million people and falling. In China, there are 1.5 billion...China is resource poor; the Russian east contains %80 of that country's resources...It will be Russia's fate to have large chunks of its turf annexed by the Islamic world, and mush of what's left fall to the Chinese.
He also says that there's no need to worry about China becoming a super power. Their one child policy will collapse their society before they have time for their economic promise to pay off. Talk radio was making fun of the Russian "pro-creation day" this week, but I think it shows their desperation. Desperate people do desperate things. Like sell weapons to Iran and land to China. Ollie is on the money to bring this up.
Mark Steyn doesn’t qualify for a single article published in Johnson’s Russia List. That says a a lot about Mark Steyn. I’ve read his stuff. He’s a cheap shot artist. You can read him if you want. People who invest in Russia (the US is #7 and looking like growing) give Mark-boy the big pass.