I don’t think so. Rudy if he miraculously wins the GOP nod, will be the end of the GOP. We can ill afford a flaming liberal as president. And that “rock solid” on terrorism and foreign policy is utterly misplaced
If Thompson runs, he'll win the south, some of the mid-west and central US.
As I see it (and I'd prefer Thompson), the only question is can Rudy win those same states in the general election? Certainly he won't win the south...the bastion of the GOP for the last 25 years.
What we MAY see is a complete reconfiguration of the GOP...national defense, smaller govt, law&order and the jettison of the social conservatives to the state assemblies where they belong.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against social conservatives and I'm glad they're in the GOP...but I don't believe the politics of morality belong at the national level. I also do not believe the politics of amorality belong at the national level...those decisions belong EXCLUSIVELY to the States and the People, respectively.