Posted on 08/09/2007 7:41:37 PM PDT by PlainOleAmerican
Can any representative republic survive a progressively ignorant electorate? Can freedom be sustained in any society hell-bent upon taxing its productive members out of existence, for benefit of its non-productive? Can people unable to successfully govern their own lives be entrusted with the power to govern others?
Not to be unkind, but we need to face facts here. So long as a republic represents the will of the brave, it will remain the home of the free. When its run by the productive members of society, it will remain prosperous. When its governed by the independent minded, it will not be dependent upon anyone. When run by those with a healthy respect for individual rights, special interests will no longer need special consideration.
But when cowards, thieves and thugs run things, those who believe that some progressive form of socialism is better than individual freedom and personal achievement, freedom is diminished. When those seeking to rob the rich in the name of the poor while stuffing their own pockets and growing their own political power run things, then the republic represents cowardly thieves, not the people.
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I agree 100%.
Does a fisherman say the reason he didn't catch enough fish is because the fish were too ignorant to appreciate his bait?
In other words, a candidate and his backers should not blame the people when their candidate fails to persuade the people.
That burden of leadership is the candidate's to bear.
"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, "But in ourselves . . . "
At exactly what point have we ever had an informed electorate (outside of sugar-coated textbook illusions)?
There has always existed a small cadre of "opinion makers" who, with sufficient charisma (or booze and dollars) have led forth the voters needed to swing elections (local/state/ or federal).
swwet .,.... thanks for the tagline
swwet .,.... thanks for the tagline
I don’t subscribe to the “America is doomed” argument. The American electorate has proven to be not just ignorant, but downright stupid more often than not since our country’s birth.
Somehow we just keep ticking.
Actually, I don’t think any of the GOP candidates can defeat HRC. The people just want another Clinton, and I don’t think we can do much about it.
Thanx, no kitten scratches, yet. LOL!
The Founding Fathers didn’t trust a democracy of the masses,
witness the French Revolution. That’s the reason for a
representative government; However, the controls have been weakened over time: Senators were supposed to be appointed
by state legislatures.
I doubt we will survive period.
No nation ever does.
We are going to allow the third world to consume our culture because we are too guilty to stop them.
Wow! Nice writing! And on point—it’s pretty much what we have in the congress now.
How Much Longer Can America Survive an Ignorant Electorate?
Does a fisherman say the reason he didn’t catch enough fish is because the fish were too ignorant to appreciate his bait?
In other words, a candidate and his backers should not blame the people when their candidate fails to persuade the people.
That burden of leadership is the candidate’s to bear.
“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, “But in ourselves . . .
All that is great rhetoric but the fact remains that it is pretty much impossible to win over an idiot by reasoned discourse and there is really no parrallel between fish and voters except that we have too many voters who are biting the plastic worm of totalitarianism. We allow people to vote even when they don’t have the ability to find the polling place on their own. The vast majority of our young voters have had no proper instruction in how this nation came to be or how it is supposed to function. Bill Clinton convinced me that most people who are voting should not be.
There are those who understand the meaning of freedom and responsibility and those who don’t. This nation cannot survive indefinitely when those who don’t even understand the meaning of freedom and who think this is supposed to be a democracy are in charge. This is supposed to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people as Lincoln said in Gettysburg. In the end the people will get the government they deserve. I suspect that Thomas Jefferson or George Washington would have zero chance of winning a nomination for president today.
In a Democracy, men are elected to lead the people.
In a Republic, men are elected to represent the people.
In the first, they lead.
In the second, we lead.
What we have today is what happens when nobody leads...
"If you take the government's money, it owns you."
We remained in pretty good shape until the period 1913 through 1946 or so.
But I would agree with others on this thread, certain events were serious tipping points.
1 - the 17th Amendment ended Washington representation of “states rights”.
2 - The 16th Amendment gave the fed the right to plunder the productive against their will.
3 - FRD’s Raw Deal taught a previously free independent individual to look to the fed as a solution rather than a problem.
So, 19th century America still functioned on the founding principles. Since the early 1900’s, those principles have been tossed overboard for a greater communal good.
Now, the nation is run by parasites to the ultimate death of the productive.
Like a time-bomb...
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