I really don’t care about the “psychology” of obesity....what I care about is having to pay the medical bills of the increasing number of fat people I see checking out ahead of me in the grocery store with cartfuls of Cheetos, sodas, tv dinners and snacks.
There’s a fine dining establishment here called Cici’s Pizza. It is a buffet where all the pizza you can eat, washed down by all the corn syrup flavored water you can drink is about 5 bucks.
The customers I see are only about the size of a little league team - that is to say that each hippo waddling out to the parking lot is about the size of an entire team, possibly including the adult coach.
I’m sure they’d all tell you they wish they could climb a flight of stairs without turning red, or walk through a 24” door without turning sideways, but their fat genes are holding them back. No, fat jeans are the 56x30s that you’re crammed into.
You might recall that obesity, like smoking, shortens one's life span by a considerable amount. I really doubt the obese are causing your medical costs to be high simply due the fact they tend to die. Believe me, a fat person with heart disease will cost a lot less money to care for in the long run than a skinny person with Alzheimer's. I hazard to guess that if all the obese were "cured" your medical insurance cost would not change at all. There are many other factors that cause medical costs to continually out pace inflation.
You probably don’t want to pay my husband’s medical bills either. He smokes.
Or my nephew’s medical bills. He’s gay.