BLOODY ‘ELL!!!,wots all that rubbish supposed to mean????.I’ll tell you what lad,I lived in Preston up to 1984 then thankfully G.T.H.O.I visited in ‘97 and found to my horror the decay and takeover of the once proud cotton town to crowds of muzzies.Late buses don’t stop in certain areas due to attacks on drivers,race riots in the streets of avenham,friggin mosques everywhere,and of course when we used to go “paki-bashin’” in the seventies to keep the vermin in check,now there’s “whitie-bashin’”.Alas,England is a lost cause and is in the express lane to the third world........
I’m truly sorry that you found your brief return visit so depressing, and that you are content to generalise from that unhappy experience of one town to Britain as a whole. Yet I hope that those round here who think as you do would sometimes give a little credence to the witness, based on accumulated experience, of those of us who live here all the time, who are neither ostriches nor masochists, yet who take an altogether more sanguine view of the current state and future prospects of this country.