We do too. We raise and eat longhorns - not registered but full blood and they have less fat than regular cattle. They also have less cholestral than white meat chicken according to an A&M study. Our longhorn meat is tender too. We raise them on pasture grass and only feed supplement in the winter - a molasses mineral lick and hay. We don't give shots either as I believe that an animals immune system is better able to work on their own without interference.(and BTW, we never have vet bills either for sick cows) Our son in law from Scotland can't eat the hamburger meat out of the store. It is either the steroids/antibiotics or fat that is in it. He has to eat ground turkey/chicken BUT can eat the sh!t out of our longhorn meat. Find you a rancher who will sell you a steer about a year old - 400-500 lbs - and take it to the locker. Less fat, no steroids. Best eatin' you can find, IMO.
Man, you guys eat all parts of your beef, huh? Personally, I'd leave that part of the beef out of the kitchen. ;-) Of course, what do you expect from a Scott.
They eat Haggis! :-o