They do schedule regular maintenance, but the infrastructure is huge and you can’t predict everything.
Do you think that the oil companies can just build new facilities whenever they want to? They have to jump through all kinds of legal hoops and fight the environmental watchdogs.
And what about all the fuel the government is using to fight the war? And all the fuel these early-bird politiciams are wasting flitting around the country campaigning a year early! I won’t listen to any of them, I’m so disgusted!
I realize that they do regular maintenance, I just wish they would stop blaming all of the high prices on the refinery issue, when the politicians won’t drill in Alaska and won’t approve new refineries. I am sick and tired of the oil companies making obscene profits at the expense of working people. Enough is enough. If they continue their current pattern, the next administration could very well step back in and start regulating again. Is that what anyone wants?
What is this question meant to imply? That you disagree with the war and think we should pull out now? Or that you think we should fight the war using less fuel?