Also they found that he had dined very recently and had drank wine.
It would appear that the dragon lady arranged to have a quiet dinner with Vince and then Craig stepped out from behind the drapes and eliminated him.
From the Starr report:
"In debris collected from Mr. Foster's clothing, the FBI Laboratory reported finding two blond to light brown head hairs of Caucasian origin that were suitable for comparison purposes and dissimilar to those of Mr. Foster. the hairs did not appear to have been forcibly removed. Hair evidence can become important or relevant in a criminal investigation when there is a known suspect and a significant evidentiary question whether the suspect can be forensically linked to another person (a rape or murder victim, for example) or to a particular location. If the suspect is a stranger to the victim or the scene, the presence of the suspect's hair is relevant in assessing whether he or she had contact with the victim or scene. In this case, however, the only known individuals who reasonably might have been compelled to provide hair samples were persons already known to have had contact with Mr. Foster."
Also they found that he had dined very recently and had drank wine.
From the Starr Report:
"During the 1993 investigation, the laboratory of the Virginia Division of Forensic Science found that the blood, vitreous humor, and urine were negative for alcohols and ketones. The Laboratory did not detect "phencyclidine, morphine, cocaine, [or] benzoyleogonine"; "other alkaline extractable drugs"; or "acidic [or] neutral drugs."
They weren't necessarily dyed. And they were never identified as belonging to any particular person.It would appear that the dragon lady arranged to have a quiet dinner with Vince and then Craig stepped out from behind the drapes and murdered him.
That scenario is impossible. HRC was out of town at the time of the event. But you can't rule out her participation in the planning earlier.