“But conservatives - at least social conservatives, think that David Vitter is a tarnished man who needs to be punished for breaking his marriage vow. Never mind his solid conservative record!”
“Its not like he harmed any one else except himself and his family”
With all due respect, this how liberals reasoned when Billy Boy was caught w/ the intern. It’s a private matter, look at all the good he did, and so on.
Social Conservatives take marriage vows more seriously than the Liberals and these are the consequences when a conservative commits adultery.
We do not want to become Liberals and David Vitter is not a victim anymore than DoughBoy was when caught w/ the intern.
Of Course Liberals get a pass - THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT MARRIAGE - and the solution is not “if you can’t beat, join ‘em”.
What I object to is hypocrisy - do as I say, not as I do. Don’t campaign as a “values” candidate when you don’t have them.
What also astounds me are the people who buy into the rhetoric. If you don’t think most Dems truly care about the poor, why do you assume Reps care about “family values”? It’s a shtick to get elected. Sheepple abound
99% of politicians are whores who’ll say whatever it takes to get elected.