Dick Morris said a NY councilman passed a note to Hillary (2000) pertaining to the release of the FALN Terrorists with “ostensibly”, the promise of the Puerto Rican vote. On The Hannity radio show today.
I believe it 1000%...The New York city council is as corrupt as it comes. Just about every year another one of them gets busted for ripping off loot or blowing taxpayer cash on crap, for example Magarita Lopez throwing multi-millionaire closet homosexual Tom Cruise $630k of taxpayer cash for his Scientology hoax treatment for Firefighters, which in other words is Tom Cruise using NY Firefighters to promote Scientology.
And don`t forget Clinton also commuting the sentences of those Hasidics who were convicted of fraud. As a result she got 98% of the vote in that area. 98%! The only other person I know who got that kind of percentage in elections was Saddam Hussein when he was in power!