Off topic rant..if you’ll allow..but with the nascent atempt brewing to bring back the fairness doctrine..well, all those Freepers who said it was OK if the GOP lost the last election..
I think the Rummy-Cheney connection was so strong that it worked against good stategy changes that could have been used after Feb 2005.
The GOP members are the ones leading the charge with the Fairness Doctrine. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it wasn't Lott and McCain that is pushing the idea.
Don't delude yourself into believing that there is any difference between senate democrats and at least 60% of the senate republicans - especially the leadership.
They are just like professional wrestlers - they create a phony public feud and then they get the people in the two camps riled up. Backstage, of course, they are all friends.
The difference is that we know that the fights in professional wrestling are staged. For some reason, it is still not clear to many people that the Senate is as well.