Mormon attacks on Christianity is troubling.
People have every right to make negative comments about his religion. It is not, however, relevant to the campaign.
Free speech, and all that, but it makes Mr. Romney’s opponents look like immature twinks.
I think this problem will be eliminated when some of the more desparate candidates run out of money.Some may feel it their spiritual duty to attack anothers faith,like jihad, but this is demagoguing.I consider such attacks un-American in nature.
I posted this on another thread:
Romney and the Mormon apologists say different, of course, but Mormonism is very similar to Islam. Both Joseph Smith, the prophet of Mormonism, and Mohammed were false prophets of the first order.
It will be a sad day if the United States of America elects a follower of a Mohammed-like cult of Christianity to the white house.
Problem is nowadays, American Christianity has for the most part left their Biblical moorings and do not know, or care, what Mormonism really is. Romney is banking on it.
Clearly, any derogatory comments about anyones faiththose comments are troubling.
So if we criticize radical Islam, is that troubling? Romney's comment is way too sweeping.
If he keeps bringing it up people will go online to read about it and most of what they read will make it sound quite odd.
Mitt should drop it and hope it dies down and out of the news cycle.
It is the Mormon religion that first attacked Christ and His followers by making many false claims about Him, including that He is the Devil’s brother: Jesus was the spirit brother of Lucifer - according to this doctrine Jesus became the Savior because he came up with a better plan than Lucifer concerning how to get the people on earth to worship God (see Pearl of Great Price, Book of Moses, 4:1-3).
Romney defends the religion that teaches this false gospel.
whatta joke!
30-40% of americans are not voting mormon.
where do they get such an idea?
from the way mormons treat those around them.
it’s that simple.
What he has experienced so far is nothing. She will defeat him by using his religion against him.
I want to win in 08. With Romney we will definitely lose.
Harry Reid is a Mormon, yet there are no attacks on him.Why?
The anti-Mormon feverswamp is festering today. Geez, I think I can relate to how the Jews felt about the Protocols of Elders propaganda non-sense pushed by the Muslims. If only learned about Jews from Muslims it would certainly be distorted. Likewise, if someone only learned about Mormons from other faiths it will be distorted.
Other religions are perfectly fine to characterize Mormons in any way they please. But what is troubling to me is that I keep seeing justification for this bigotry in the political arena. Also, their reasoning is never consolidates one a point, it just flails all over the place for the justification of their actions. Why? It is not grounded in any solid principle including anything Biblical. Even Jesus, allowed political power and respect to the Heathen and the Heretic.
Not tryig to start a fight, bt you need to read a little about just what the LDS thinks and teaches
I agree 100%. I am not a Romney man, but his religion is off limits amongst people of good taste and rearing. He says he is a Christian and I believe him. End of Story for me.
Me neither. His religion is his business as is ours. They know he is strong and sincere. They are AFRAID so they attack his religion. Religiphobics!!!!! There’s that word again. Phobia-Fear of is it once again Religion. I dont’ know who I will vote for but it sure won’t be based on anyone’s religion...I made that mistake in 1960 with Kennedy.
I agree! 100, I have problems with Romney on Policy grounds, but as far as his Mormonism: it shouldn’t effect if he is qualifed to lead as President!
(And by the way I am a normal protestant christian)..
I will not get into the mormonism debate here, but they don’t believe the same (theology) as most Christians.
“attacks on mormon religion troubling...”
mormonism is a christian sect. christianity is in disrepute and has been and all of a sudden ‘attacks on mormon religion troubling’. they’re dealing with liberals who are communists in sheeps clothing. liberals/communists will always attack christianity. christianity is commnism’s natural enemy.
Neither do I.
I think cults are nifty-keen.
Mormonism is no more a cult than Scientology is..