Call me skeptical, but after reading Bush’s secret dealing with the Muslim Brotherhood, another terror org on Pamela’s Atlas Shrugs, it appears that Pres Bush has pretty much changed his mind to attack Iran. In that interview, it was also revealed that Bush vs Condi promised Iran it would not strike in return for exit from Iraq with Iran’s help. Not sure whats going on behind the scenes, but observing that the Whitehouse supports Abbas, another terrorists, and these secret negotiations, I am actually speechless.
You have a link?
I have absolutely no confidence that anyone in Washington has the leadership ability or even basic intelligence to attack Iran.
I mean, Jesus,... why hasn’t it been done already!! Why are they waiting for it to be too late. Why are they allowing terrorists to position themselves in our cities for the response, and train and drill.
Every day we waste masturbating only guarantees more of us are going to die.
I laugh at the idiots on here who talk all big brave like “attacking a carrier will get a stragetic response”..
Well whopty do.. i work in downtown chicago and will probably will die in reprisal attack that was allowed to happened because this thing has been delayed for years.