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To: spirited irish
Furthermore, your talk of ‘rights’ is likewise inconsistent with the tenets of evolutionary humanism for the same reason as above. All you have is whatever ‘privileges’ the higher evolved deign to allow you as per their ‘impulses’ of the moment.

Where can we find a standard reference on theology or philosophy that lists these "tenets of evolutinary humanism" you keep talking about? Are you just making all of this up as you go?

535 posted on 06/27/2007 6:36:33 AM PDT by tacticalogic ("Oh bother!" said Pooh, as he chambered his last round.)
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To: tacticalogic

tactical..Where can we find a standard reference on theology or philosophy that lists these “tenets of evolutinary humanism” you keep talking about? Are you just making all of this up as you go?

Irish...The essay provides many referenced citations by evolutionary scientists in which it is made clear by them exactly ‘what’ man has been reduced to: electrons, fish made over...dogs to be trained ( peruse the Russian Manual on Psychopolitics), etc. Additional citations make it very clear that in order to remain logically consistent with the philosophy of materialism (continuous change), there can be NO possibility of moral absolutes without God, thus there can be NO possibility of enduring principles or rights.

All you may have is whatever ‘privileges’ the highly evolved deign to allow you according to what their impulses of the moment intuit. All of which will eventually lead to the recreation of the hellish nightmare within which millions of Russians suffered and died.

One final note: the possibility of ‘standard’ references cannot exist within a worldview based in chance and continuous change. Situational ethics (impulses of the moment)——that’s all you have.

540 posted on 06/27/2007 8:33:44 AM PDT by spirited irish
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To: tacticalogic; spirited irish
spirited irish claims 'tenets:

Furthermore, your talk of 'rights' is likewise inconsistent with the tenets of evolutionary humanism for the same reason as above. All you have is whatever 'privileges' the higher evolved deign to allow you as per their 'impulses' of the moment.

Where can we find a standard reference on theology or philosophy that lists these "tenets of evolutinary humanism" you keep talking about? Are you just making all of this up as you go?

All you may have is whatever 'privileges' the highly evolved deign to allow you according to what their impulses of the moment intuit.
All of which will eventually lead to the recreation of the hellish nightmare within which millions of Russians suffered and died.
One final note: the possibility of 'standard' references cannot exist within a worldview based in chance and continuous change. Situational ethics (impulses of the moment) that's all you have.

One final note, - he's making it all up. That's all he has.

542 posted on 06/27/2007 8:52:39 AM PDT by tpaine (" My most important function on the Supreme Court is to tell the majority to take a walk." -Scalia)
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