Every person has dignity; every person has unalienable rights.
This is so because we are all desired sons (and daughters) of God, and He gives us what we need to be fully human....
Is someone arguing otherwise?
You're free to believe your God gives you - whatever. - I hope you can agree I'm fully human even though I do not believe that anything is 'given' by a God/Creator.
There are NO unalienable rights without a God to grant them.. Actually there are not even any rights at all..
Well, I think the Framers, even the religious ones, - would have called you a Tory [or worse] for that rather odd view.
All a government can grant are privileges.. Which of course are infinitely alienable.. and are alienated at every opportunity..
"Infinitely alienable" is hyperbole.. [lots of that on this thread]
Governments under our State/Fed Constitutions can not be empowered to 'grant rights'. [See the 9th] - As to privileges and immunities, read the 14th. Due process must be followed if someone is to be deprived of life, liberty, or property.
Some don't even know the difference between rights and privileges.. And UNalienable rights are beyond them to understand..
Speak for yourself Hose. Your first line above doesn't inspire much confidence in 'understanding'.
Then if you dispense with the divine law-giver and judge, what can "guarantee" your fully human status, to hold it unimpeachable against all the natural enemies you have arrayed against you, not least the progressive ideologues with their various proposals for utopia [the doctrine of so-called "evolutionary humanism" comes to mind]?
If it is not Truth -- that is to say, God (by another of His Names) -- then what could it be to hold you firm -- as tpaine, as your unique self -- in the coming storm???
But of course, I freely and gladly acknowledge that you are a "fully human" human being. The question is, if you "toss God," how long do you think you can (realistically) keep/maintain your [God-given] human nature, specifically and so gloriously expressed as one "tpaine?"
It must be time for sleep. And so I wish you, dear friend, a fond good night and pleasant dreams!
Look "T" a hyperbolic situation explained by less than hyperbole is just disinformation.. and probably propaganda and bull squeeze.. Whatever happened to Sandy Burgular is he in Levenworth yet?... Why would a republican President be lobbying heavily FOR 20+ million brand NEW democrats getting amnesty?.. Who many are already voting democrat and will screw up vote demographics in the U.S. probably FOREVER..