I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.. d;-)~.,.,,
Outrageous is the hubris that some can present what the earth was in Genesis ch 1.. as if Genesis ch 1 (time stamped) was as certain as Quantum Mechanics.. NO WAIT.. Einsteins relativity.. urg!. some other wazoo if'n... Whatever God did to the earth (then) there is no standard to measure or disassemble.. or even conceive of the processes involved..
On the otherhand God is pretty outrageous.. Let there be LIGHT!.. Woo Wee lighting up the Sun like a light bulb.. or starting a campfire.. Actually walking on unfrozen water is quite a trick too.. I tend to like Jesus spitting into some dudes eyes and creating functioning eyes.. Is that outrageous or WHAT?.. Him saying eat my flesh and drink my blood did indeed blow a few Jewish minds.. Many still to this day have their eyes rolling and their tongues hanging out drooling makeing stange noises over that one..
Csense: but I do like to cause Boopie to do double takes ever now again.. I'm guilty.. brothers are like that..
HUGS! dear brother 'pipe. You do make me do double-takes, all the time! :^)
But I still hope you'll take me fishing on your boat some "day" soon, or even sooner.
Just to assure you, I do not think that Genesis 1 and quantum mechanics are "identities."
Just another one of them pesky philosophical terms. Identity simply means "two seemingly different terms refer to the same thing." In the case of the Logos and QM, they do not. The two terms are not even in the same category.