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To: hosepipe
Actually, it was my hope that the metaphorical view of Genesis would be seen in the non-specific "Special Creation" view which recognizes that Creation happened and there was an Adam some 6,000 years ago but otherwise is open to interpretation. Or does the metaphorical view also see Adam as a metaphor?
406 posted on 06/25/2007 9:37:02 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Alamo-Girl; betty boop; .30Carbine; Heretic; Whosoever
[.. Or does the metaphorical view also see Adam as a metaphor? . ..]

I'm not sure there even is a standard metaphorical view.. I know of a few that see Genesis 1-3 as metaphorical.. but even then they/we see it differently.. sometimes quite differently..

I personally don't know whether Adam is metaphor or literal with metaphorical content, or some other reality.. Not that it matters greatly to me.. If we were to know exactly what the story Adam is about more info would have been given, I think..

I think being human is a test a spiritual test.. Details about Adam must be minutia to that extent.. so scant detail is good enough.. as are details about other things.. like what was Satan doing in "paradise" with Adam and Eve..

Being human, the human experience, must be a spiritual test.. for some future ugh!.. adventure.. A testing, a qualifying, a proving, for a/some future saga.. The bible seems to hint at that.. The personal/spiritual test then is more important than minute details of earthly history..

The parable of the talents also hints at that.. not to speak of the parable/metaphor of the prodigal son.. Getting caught up in whether Adam and Eve were real persons or metaphorical pointers to make the story make sense is O.K to me either way..

I don't require formulaic accuracy for the bible to be relevant to me.. Condensing several thousand years of all relevant human history in the few pages of the bible would be impossible, I think.. The point being did "we" get the "message" hidden though it is, is the point, I think.. Since most of the message(s) is/are hidden in metaphorical content is part of the test.. So many miss the simple most straight forward metaphors.. as you know..

It all leads me to the comment....
Is GOD cool or WHAT?... What a marvelous plan and testing platform..

409 posted on 06/25/2007 10:24:46 PM PDT by hosepipe (CAUTION: This propaganda is laced with hyperbole....)
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