Sounds similar to Howard Dean in 2003 except with the Democrats.
Fred is the man.........
Go Fred!!
Yes, except that Doctor Howard Dean was a nutcase being supported by the nutroots (mostly young kids, aging hippies, Marxist professors and limousine liberals). Senator Fred Thompson is being supported by real conservatives like us, Reagan democrats, moderate conservatives who like his style, and many other groups. The only similarity is their use of the Internet, but even there, Fred is light years ahead of Governor Yeeaaargghh!
Sounds similar to Howard Dean in 2003 except with the Democrats.
Let me tell you Fred-doubters: this talking point of the day that “he hasn’t taken any positins” will be another one like “he is lazy” that he will be able to dismiss with ease, making you look even weaker, and him even stronger.
You might pick a talking point against Fred that will actually stick, if you oppose him. (If you can find one).
And if you don’t oppose Fred, why not just button up on a subject you are ignorant, learn some things, then weigh in once you learn what he has said about where he stands.