It would definitely seem to be a trigger. I’m also kind of half-wondering if maybe we’re looking at Travelers or Gypsies here.
I haven’t done a local records search on Aletha, so don’t know if I could pick up the foreclosure details in a local courts search. Did you run across the foreclosure info in a blog or news story or a records search?
Speaking of “travelers” I think I was just visited by one, trolling the neighborhood looking for easy targets. Hard work to get rid of him, and I am left feeling rather uneasy. Red flags galore, and wouldn’t take a plain, direct no for an answer.
What makes you think travelers or gypsies are part of the picture here? The frequent moves?
Well, my own search is a bust. Kansas charges for access to district court records. Boo and nay, and even if I wanted to pay and subscribe to online records, there is no online process for becoming a subscriber.
So, any tip to the forclosure info would be greatly appreciated.