Not to hijack the conversation, but it's also narcissism to believe that the climate, as it is now, is the ultimate climate. I suppose we can project this theory on to the "global warming" controversy.
Well, it goes right along with the rest of the left's narcissism, so, why not? I've thought so as well.
When I was deep into the study of my own narcissism, I had the thought that if I subtracted everything I said that came out of my narcissism, I'd have nothing left to say. The Democrats could well be the same.
We were discussing global warming and environmentalism one day ( I have a degree in earth science, so they were asking me if I thought global warming was a problem).I pointed out that the planet had had many climates in it's past history, and would always be changing. That no matter how many restrictions one placed on a wilderness area, it's natural state would inevitably change over time, even without human intervention.NOthing can really be preserved.
I asked them; what would you do if everything was OK, just as it was ? I thought it very telling that they all became visibly agitated. They simply are unable to imagine a situation where they are not needed to save something.
That shows that their helping is all about them. In fact, I think it's one reason narcissists are drwn to environmentalism and animals. The earth, and animals are not going to argue back that they don't want to be helped, as many people will do. (remember the troops answer to the attempt by Kerry to be their un-asked for saviour?). It makes their self-congratulations easier.