Republican Congressman Steve King’s official webpage
(FBI & other official stats)
(Also see Heather McDonald & Michelle Malkin & Ann Coulter & Laura Ingraham & Steve Malzberg & Sean Hannity & Rush Limbaugh &...)
12-13 Americans killed by illegal aliens EVERY DAY
12-13 Americans killed by illegal aliens drunken drivers EVERY DAY
Many comprehend
Many cannot
Happy Invasion & ID Theft & Taxes!
25 killed by illegal aliens every day
The other day MSM said “7 more Americans killed in Iraq today!”
What may (or may *not) be obvious to others is your distain for enforcement of American laws and for American sovereignty
*Or not
Offer actual proof
Not your opinions or anedotes
Search Congressman Steve King & FBI Uniform Crime Reports yourself:
What is most likely to kill a person?
My Colt .44-40 if a carjacker gets stupid
Very, very good post devolve!
This post is even more disjointed than your last explanation. Maybe this is why your pings to others go unanswered. Can you not fend for yourself?
And your new “statistic”, which is anecdotal through “journalists” (with no backup, which makes it anecdotal by definition) now half of the original “statistic”. Which number is correct?
You then choose an entirely different and unrelated stat to try and prove your point. And what do American soldier deaths have to do with this? Answer: nothing.
There’s no disdain on my end for American laws or sovereignty. And please note the correct spelling of “disdain”.
And what proof are you referring to? The NTSB stats for traffic accidents? Google it yourself - the proof takes about 2 minutes to find. And making big shot comments about the weapon of your dreams is a shallow deflection means nothing as it relates to my point.
Understand - I don’t want people here illegally either. But your particular method of making the case/discourse does zero to help that cause. In fact, if that is the type of stuff headed to DC, then it’s no wonder the current immigration bill is likely to pass. What you offer is even less coherent than Tancredo.