We just got a smoking ban - supported by many "Republicans." These same "Republicans" caved to union thugs (Right to work) last year when they had the majority.
I'm stuck between furious and not giving a bleep anymore. Monday may be the day I change my registration to Independent.
The day I change my registration to Independent will be the day the Repub party nominates a RINO like Rudy McCaRomney for president. I don't want to be associated with people who would support men like those 3 for the leadership of the nation.
My voting record goes back to JFK vs Nixon in 1960, and up until now it has been solid Republican. But I suffered through the country club Republican era of Rockefeller, Javits, Brooke, and the like, and I won't follow the current crop of RINO supporters into another era of Rockefeller-Republicanism no matter who the Dems put up.
Many don't realize that their vote in the primaries may have the greatest potential impact.
Heard over the radio that NH still doesn’t have to fasten seatbelts, although your gov. was signing gay union rights into law...Wasn’t there a movement to eliminate ‘Live Free or Die’ from license plates? Hope that went down in flames.