Simple integrity isn’t extremism. What made your mind dart in that strange direction?
Bear with me and I'll show you.
1. The Republican party is reputed to be the party of conservatives. It is supposed to represent those who want smaller government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, and genuine freedom. In fact, if you read the party platform, you find that the avowed purpose of the party is to pursue these goals.
2. Your post said, and I quote, "A hardcore conservative new party would do about as well as a hardcore liberal new party. Most people arent that extreme."
3. What we conservatives would really prefer is that the Republican party actually do some work toward the goals it says it stands for. That's integrity.
We don't want extremism per se, though Goldwater's famous speech certainly comes to mind: "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice...and moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue." Rather, we (I assume I speak for more than just myself, though I could be wrong there) would just as soon have integrity in our Republican elected officials.
So don't call it "extreme," please, when all we want is what the Republicans are supposed to stand for in the first place. It's not extreme to expect a Republican to act like a Republican.
Oh...and thank you for your patience. I normally am not quite that long-winded.