“Mary Cheney Gives Birth to Baby Boy”
So. Who is the “Daddy?”
I understand that some homosexuals take on opposite-sex roles, one being the male and one the female. I have actually encountered more of a thing where you have two women who dress and act like two men but who relate sexually as members of the opposite sex. I don't know if it ever works out where two women actually act/look like real women but are lesbian. Regardless, even a brief consideration of that displays the abnormality of it all. So "who is the daddy" is really quite a question. Maybe we should also ask, "Who is the role model?" Is he to see himself as a future male version of one of the females? Is he to see himself in homosexual men? Is he to see himself as growing up to be like grandpa? I suppose that last one is the best case scenerio, but then he would see himself as embracing homosexuality in his own children. I wonder if that includes sex between the children themselves. I mean why not? Whose morality says they shouldn't have sex? Or even sex between parents and children? Why not? Whose morality demands that be unacceptable?
Only heterosexual couples have to make that info public.
Heather? LOL
My guess is Birkhead or Stern......