When you lose by 10,000 votes, almost ANYTHING can be said to be “the deciding factor”.
So My personal “deciding factor” was when his official campaign released selected quotes from James Webb’s military fiction and claimed the vulgarity and profanity made him unfit for office.
Certainly it was something voters might be interested in, but when a campaign releases something, they are saying that THEY believe it should be important.
But military men seem to really like Webb’s books. Heck, John McCain wrote a cover for one of the books. Some are “required reading” in military circles.
We have a large military contingent in Virginia, and I think a lot of them cut out on Allen after he insulted them with that release.
Interesting that he seems to like duncan hunter a lot.
Nope. The race was lost before that happened.
It is obvious he ran a rotten campaign. And when it came out that his mother was really Jewish, he mishandled that one big time. Even I was offended, although I would have voted for him over Webb any day of the week. I hope Webb is defeated the next time around. He really hates the military.