Ok, I see you have primary source material to report. I’m going to ping Duncan Hunter’s son, Sam, who is also a freeper with the screenname Duncan Hunter Ambassador to see if we can get a response on LEGAL immigration such as H1B visas.
H1B visas are really not part of the legal immigration program except that employers can sponsor employees for a green card to extend the six year limitation. H-1B Work Visa Frankly, H1Bs bring in the kinds of people that help our ecnomony than the self-selected ones that come across the border. I believe that Hunter is still for keeping the current limitation of 65,000 per year.
You may wish to ask him where he stands on H.R. 938: Nuclear Family Priority Act
The legal immigration reform I am referring to has to do with chain migration and how we select people to come into the country. Canada has a points system that is used to bring in the skills and talents the country needs. We need to adopt something similar and get away from chain migration.
See my post #44. It is time to go to bed. It is 3 AM.