Let me guess. You're a "progressive" or a "moderate" who doesn't see the 47 million babies aborted in the US since Roe v Wade as another holocaust? Rudy Ghouliani fully supports the abortion holocaust which puts the Nazi reference in historiaclly accurate context. It's very unplesant, but true.
Abortion: the Silent Holocaust was written by Fr. John Powell, S.J. (Click on abortion: books then scroll.) It is one of the most important books on the subject ever written. This book has overwhelming importance for readers from high-school age onward, as well as adult study. The author speaks directly to the reader as few writers can. He takes you along his personal journeys from his studies in Germany and tour of the death camp in Dachau, through his work in the pro-life movement.
However, I also believe that we shoouldn't be tearing apart GOP primary candidates to the point that they can't be resurrected and perhaps use their talents somewhere else. Should Giuliani be ina position where he's deciding social policy and abortion funding in the U.S.?....no. However, his experience with security issues are still valuable and may be applied else where should a GOP presidential candidate take the white house.