If you want to make absolutely, positively sure that a wound will be infected - put some honey on it.
Ooh Ooh! I disagree! Do you have some backup? Here's why I disagree, and I odn't mean this to be conlcu=lusive or anything, I'm just lobbing something to you for you to hit it out of the park:
Honey is so supersaturted that as long as it is not diluted nothing can grow in it and somethings will have the H20 osmozed right the heck out of 'em.
The reason honey is not good for small human type personell is that it gets diluted in their tummies which are not sufficiently acidic to whomp the cooties, and then botulinus and other neat stuff which was just being dormant there can take off.
So they told me in the days when I had 18 hives.
Wrong. Honey contains many powerful antibacterials. Just why did you think it doesn't spoil?