and another thing,
If we truly are in iraq to nation-build, why aren’t we nation-building in Darfur? Sudan? Somalia? We need to get of that hypocritical horse.
If there is no return for national security or wealth, don’t engage in it. Or is this a “feel good” project? There is no bringing democracy to murdering scum. the murdering scum have to be killed off first, or kicked out.
I think we’re in agreement. No?
We should get involved in other nations when we have a compelling national interest to do so. Whether it’s fighting terrorism, destroying threats to our security, or securing a stable supply of vital natural resources doesn’t matter
I can’t think of any national interest we have in Darfur, Sudan, or Somalia. What’s in it for us?
I can think of plenty of reasons to fight in Iraq. Alas, the current administration has not articulated those to the public and I’m predicting withrdrawal and disaster thereafter.