Maybe you've missed recent events here on Free Republic where the owner declared Free Republic's mission to "swiftboat" Rudy Giuliani's campaign. This thread is one user's attempt to continue and expand that mission and YOU ARE IN THE THREAD DISRUPTING THAT EFFORT.
Your pro-Rudy posts are not welcome in this thread. Posts supporting any liberals (Rudy included) are not a healthy activity on this forum. We support conservatives and conservative causes. Polluting this forum with posts supporting pro-abortionist, pro-gun grabber, pro-homosexualist, pro-socialist liberals (like Giuliani) will not be well tolerated. I suggest, for your own benefit, that you knock it off. If you doubt what may happen, I suggest that you pay a visit to this thread and educate yourselves.
Free Republic is a conservative site and we fight like hell for conservative principles, conservative values and conservative candidates. The Republican party is pro God, pro life, pro family, pro constitution, pro gun, pro national security, pro national sovereignty, pro defense, pro limited government, and pro America or I would not have joined it or supported it. It is a conservative party whether you and your liberal troll buddies like it or not and I intend to do all in my limited ability to see that it stays that way.Now, either get with the program or get the hell out of here. We've got a liberal candidate to "swiftboat" and a bunch of conservative candidates to support.
And I repeat, the abortionist, gay rights supporting, illegal alien pandering, gun grabbing authoritarian liberal pig Rudy Giuliani will NEVER ever be elected to the presidency from the conservative party or I go down in flames fighting against him and you and your lame ass liberal troll buddies!
FR will not be used in an attempt to turn the Republican party into a liberal party or to elect a socialist abortionist pig to the White house. Get used to it!!- Jim Robinson, 19 April 2007
Yea!!! BUMP!
We might never get the chance at the rate Rudy is swiftboating himself.
Wow...I think you need some anger management classes.
Hatred and name calling and blaming others are a sure sign of diverting attention from one’s own weaknesses.