You said — “Fine. In that case, let’s outlaw alcohol production. Then tobacco. Then let’s impose censorship. Pretty soon you’re stoning people for acts of impropriety.”
Again, like I said — creating a problem where none has existed before. And like I said, earlier, prostitution has been illegal for a very long time. So, it’s changing *absolutely nothing* by continuing to have it *remain* illegal. The people who wish to *change things* are the ones who wish to *promote evil*. They are the ones who are really gunning for a change....
As far as cigarettes are concerned, that’s already happening. No news here. And for alcohol, that’s been done and the people didn’t want to go there, so it was repealed.
So, you’ve got two other examples of “changes” while the prositution example involves *no change* — if it remains the same.
Cigarettes are changing to illegal right now, as we speak and write. Alcohol will always be heavily controlled, as it is now, in the various states. And that’s the way it will probably remain.
So, what did you say you were going to do about the big tyranny right now — the Patriot Act, something of much greater consequence than all of the above examples???