It's hard to believe, but we're being told that in our constitutional republic, legislators are delegated the power, (reflecting the will of the people) to decide precisely which of our rights to life, liberty or property will be protected and to what extent.
-- Nothing in our Constitution can even remotely justify this belief, of course.
Incredibly, it is said our right to live how we want to live can be trumped by the 'majority wiil'; that our right to raise children in an environment we desire can be trumped by such legislative 'decisions'. - That you have no right to engage in whatever your peers decree to be selfish, immoral or hedonistic behaviors.
Are we at DU?
This century will someday be classified as the Era when Men Declared War on Inanimate Objects (pot, guns, suvs, etc). Too bad Don Quixote is no longer around to lead the way.
Well put.
One question, though. Why does your right to live how you want to live trump someone else's right to live how they want to live?
Good luck in getting a rational answer from a mind contaminated with the socialistic dogma we see above.