We have a large chain- Meijer - in this area- they provide FREE antibiodics, not just 4$ scrips.
are they prescription? (Or are they contributing to the rise of antiobiotic resistant bacteria?)
I wish Wal-Mart would really fire back! They should be out there doing some real PR about how great their business is! I heard a trucker once on Rush sometime back talk about how, as he drove all over America, he had seen how Wal-Mart had destroyed small towns!! He said he only shopped there when he needed to. I am sorry, but this is just plain moronic!! This man was a trucker!! As he is driving through small town America,, did he ever notice any broken down train stations sitting on dead tracks??? Did he ever have any guilt driving his truck, knowing that the trucking industry helped to destroy the train industry??? What is Wal-Mart doing that any other business has ever done?? Is not K-Mart doing the same thing??? Staples?? Lowes? Home Depot??? Have not grocery stores replaced general stores??? Do people really think about the things they say???? I am tired of hearing about poor mom and pop stores and their losses,, or the loss of downtowns! I realize this may not be popular or sound cruel,, but,, who did the “mom and pop” stores put out of business?? Did they not replace traveling salesmen??? Or the catologue business?? Should we not mourn their loss?? What are the “mom and pop” stores demanding??? Are they not demanding I spend more money on my hammers, sneakers and laundry detergent so that I support them and their family??!! What about my family?? How far do we go with this line of thinking???
Meijer was started in my part of the world, Grand Rapids. They are exactly like Walmart. Their pricing and practices are almost identical to Walmart....low prices.
Yet you never hear a word about how they treat their employees. You never hear a word about how they destroy downtowns. You never hear a massive coordinated attack against them.
And the reason? It's because Meijer is unionized. The whole propaganda war against Walmart is generated by union thugs and their political lackeys. They don't care one bit about Walmart affecting small towns. They don't care one bit about the "plight" of workers. What they care about, what they get dollar signs in their eyes about, is the all of the forced union dues they'll collect from these same workers when and if they can finally convince enough idiots that working at Walmart is like working in a third world sweat shop.