To: TigersEye
“closet lib.”
Not by a long shot. But I wouldn’t be surprised if some of y’all were, aiming to destroy what could be our strongest candidate against the Rats — and to degrade FReep discussion so it’s less attractive.
242 posted on
04/24/2007 3:23:50 PM PDT by
California Patriot
("That's not Charley the Tuna out there. It's Jaws." -- Richard Nixon)
To: California Patriot
Rudy has destroyed himself with conservatives!!
Trust the old curmudgeon!!
246 posted on
04/24/2007 3:27:20 PM PDT by
(Be Well~Be Armed~Be Safe~Molon Labe!)
To: California Patriot
Now that is truly incoherent. Rudy Toot is in no way shape or form a conservative. It stands to reason that his supporters aren’t either.
247 posted on
04/24/2007 3:27:52 PM PDT by
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