To: indylindy
I don’t know what to make of your incoherent rant, except that I can safely disregard whatever else you say.
209 posted on
04/24/2007 3:00:21 PM PDT by
California Patriot
("That's not Charley the Tuna out there. It's Jaws." -- Richard Nixon)
To: California Patriot
I dont know what to make of your incoherent rant, except that I can safely disregard whatever else you say. Fine. Disregard it. You are like most of the others looking for safe. Get it with Rudy.
214 posted on
04/24/2007 3:05:50 PM PDT by
(Fighting the new liberal Conservatism. The Left foot in the GOP door.)
To: California Patriot
That’s what I was thinking about your posts. Incoherent.
215 posted on
04/24/2007 3:05:55 PM PDT by
(For Democrats; victory in Iraq is not an option.)
To: California Patriot; indylindy
You think indylindy’s post was incoherent? How much have you had to drink today? I understood the post just fine. If there is a problem with incoherence, you might look to the Rudy Giuliani kamikaze squad!
225 posted on
04/24/2007 3:12:06 PM PDT by
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