Freedom of choice to kill an innocent human...sickening and disgusting.
Easy to talk abouit choice when one does not specify WHAT what one is choosing. Freedom of choice? What if it amounts to infanticide, and what if no one can look squarely at the procedure. Even rhetoically they must turn their heads by employing language that massked the awfullness of the procedure. They must get used to such things. These are the same folks who cannot bring themselves to condemn terroists who behead their victims. How does liberalism produce such moral blindness?
Abortion is only the tip of the sanctity-of-life iceberg. Life is either God-given or subject to being extinguished at the discretion of those in power.
If the sanctity of life isnt a part of the core of a person, party and nation, we have a Brave New World and it doesnt include The United States of America. The entire spectrum of birth-to-burial existence and medical care and who has sovereignty over their very person is at stake.
Abortion is a RAPID and ACCURATE litmus test.
Photos of aborted babies are not displayed by pro-Lifers out of any enjoyment of those ghastly pictures. That liquid you see is blood from an infanticide holocaust, not the drool of Pro-Life Conservatives. Those pictures are shock therapy and a reality check for those for whom abortion is merely a minor medical matter.
Pro-Choice is a comfortable denial-euphemism for selfish gratification without willingness to face the physical and financial consequences. Oh, but you DO payemotionally and spiritually. There aint no free lunch...or hippie-type Free Love. Only Gods love and forgiveness is free.