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To: Just sayin

Well said. Duncan Hunter is the only real socon in this race.

I will Vote Duncan Hunter in my primary and I will vote Duncan Hunter in the General even if I have to write his name in.
***So, let’s say you vote a straight republican ticket for the down-ticket races like congress critters & local races, and fill in Duncan Hunter for Pres. That means you voted a straight republican ticket, doesn’t it?

2,091 posted on 04/22/2007 10:07:08 AM PDT by Kevmo (Duncan Hunter just needs one Rudy G Campaign Video:
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To: Kevmo
That means you voted a straight republican ticket, doesn’t it?

I guess that would depend on how Duncan Hunteris running. It may be a case where Duncan could do something similar to what Lieberman as an independant who would caucus with his former party on most things.

To be honest, I have yet to vote a straight ticket in a general election. I don't vote party, I vote candidate. Now to be sure, most are Republicans, but an (R) does not gaurantee my vote unconditionally.

I will offer two examples for context. (1) Orin Hatch, he lost my favor when he said he would support changing the Constitution so a naturalized citizen can be elected President. (2) Arlen Specter would never gain my vote either because he sees the judiciary as above (read: more authority) the other two branches of Federal government.

Some would refer to these as petty issues. Some would say I hurt the party by discounting them for such things. I counter with the fact that it is their own positions that do the hurting. In my eyes, the Constitution matters and flouting it's meaning willy nilly, as these two examples do, means I won't support them with my vote.

In a nutshell, the Constitution means more to me than a party in power. You know, the opposite of today's Democratic leadership.
4,562 posted on 04/23/2007 6:56:14 AM PDT by Just sayin (Is is what it is, for if it was anything else, it would be isn't.)
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