If the '67 law wasn't bad(I haven't seen the full text of the law), how could the results be bad?
One phrase stands out... "health of the mother".
In 1967, what Ronald Reagan meant by "health" was "genuine physical endangerment to the health of the mother". In 2007, what Liberals mean by "health" is "mental health, economic health, financial health, stress, unhappiness, inability to get a date on Friday Night... et cetera." They can -- and do -- drive a truck through the Exception made by Reagan in 1967.
Ron Paul seeks to overturn Roe vs. Wade and return Lawmaking over Abortion-murder to the proper Authority of the States.
The sad example of Ronald Reagan in 1967 simply demonstrates the need for absolute precision in Lawmaking -- "give 'em an inch, and they'll take a mile". We need to write State Law statutes to allow Abortion only to protect the LIFE of the Mother -- genuine physical endangerment of her continued physical life.