To: Reagan Man; sitetest; papasmurf
I dont know where you found those remarks by Ronald Reagan, calcowgirl, but I thank you for posting them. Great find! Thanks, all! I pulled them from a few 1967 articles in the LA Times. I didn't save them, but I could pull them again and email them if anyone had a real desire or need for them. I accessed them from the public library online database.
--papasmurf, I should have pinged you to this post.
2,043 posted on
04/22/2007 9:43:43 AM PDT by
("Liberalism is just Communism sold by the drink." P. J. O'Rourke)
To: calcowgirl
>>>>>I could pull them again and email them if anyone had a real desire or need for them.The links would be wonderful to have to call on. The anti-Reaganites hate when facts are used to prove them wrong.
2,064 posted on
04/22/2007 9:53:48 AM PDT by
Reagan Man
(FUHGETTABOUTIT Rudy....... Conservatives don't vote for liberals!)
To: calcowgirl
The first thing I did when I awoke, was come on and check the progress of this thread. :)
Thanks for the ping.
2,159 posted on
04/22/2007 10:33:34 AM PDT by
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